
What Factors will Affect the Sorting Efficiency of Copper Wire Recycling Machine

Author:Suny Group

The copper wire recycling machine mainly uses various lines, wires, cables, electric car lines, automobile lines, wool lines, network lines, communication lines, square lines and other used lines to pass through the crushing-wind selection-separation. Copper wire recycling is separated. The copper sorting rate of copper wire recycling machine is often affected by five factors, and then we will introduce the specific influencing factors:

1. The application range of copper wire recycling machine sorting is relatively wide. It can process all kinds of waste wires such as circuit wires, miscellaneous wires, communication wires, data cables and headphone cables with diameters between 5 and 20 mm. If the diameter of the processed waste wire is too small, the working efficiency of the copper wire recycling machine will be affected, and the copper wire recycling sorting rate will decrease.

2. There are various types of copper wire recycling machine on the market. Different types of copper wire recycling machine equipment have different sorting rate, energy consumption, efficiency, dust quantity, etc. Different models and their scope of application are also applicable. Different, so users need to buy blind copper machine, can not blindly purchase, according to the characteristics of the processing materials to choose the appropriate model.

3. The air volume and vibration frequency of the copper wire recycling machine do not match. If the air volume of the copper wire recycling machine is too large or too small and the vibration frequency does not match, the copper plastic separation rate of the copper host will be seriously affected, which will affect the working efficiency of copper wire recycling machine.

4. The installation and commissioning of the equipment before the production of copper wire recycling machine equipment is very important, including testing the load test of the copper wire recycling machine, and determining whether the actual discharge degree and output of the copper wire recycling machine meet the requirements on the basis of a good dry running test, copper wire recycling machine. The work should be smooth, there should be no more severe vibration, and the fasteners should be secure. If the production and commissioning of the copper wire recycling machine is not in place, it is not surprising that the sorting rate has dropped.

5. the operation and maintenance of the copper wire recycling machine will also affect the sorting of equipment to a certain extent. Even if a good copper wire recycling machine equipment is not properly operated and not regularly maintained, it will cause damage to equipment parts, reduce service life and reduce production. Therefore, regular maintenance can not only improve the sorting volume of the copper wire recycling machine, but also extend the service life of the equipment.

The copper wire recycling machine produced by Zhengyang Machinery has stable operation, low energy consumption, reliable use, good performance, long life of wearing parts and convenient maintenance. The technology of disposing old electric cable is at the domestic leading level, and the copper plastic separation after treatment. High rate, high metal purity, is a professional waste wire separation and recycling equipment.