
Aluminum-plastic film generally refers to aluminum-plastic composite materials such as aluminum foil composite film, medicinal aluminum-plastic composite film, etc., which can be said to be very common in our daily life....

The circuit board recycling equipment adopts a full physical method to optimize the combined crushing-gravity-electricity separation process to achieve efficient circuit board crushing...

The goal of the disassembly process plan is to formulate procedural steps and software tools to form a disassembly strategy and disassembly configuration system: analysis of investment figures and output; assembly analysis; analysis of uncer...

Copper wire recycling machine is an environmentally friendly machine, also known as copper wire pelletizer. The copper wire granulator is used for the recycling of waste cable wires. ...

copper wire recycling machine...

Circuit board recycling equipment is a physical separation process. This equipment is widely used in the recycling of electronic circuit boards....

Dry powder and mixed copper cable recycling machine refers to the dry copper cable recycling machine that can recover mixed wires....

The lithium battery recycling equipment is to cut the disassembled waste lithium battery anode material into pieces...

In the past, charcoal was used to smelt iron ore. The pig iron smelted from charcoal and coke had different structures and mechanical properties even though they had the same chemical composition....